Content marketing is not just a catchy slogan – it is simply an essential element for online marketing. In this article, we’ll show you the benefits of content marketing.

I’m sure you’ve heard of content marketing before but you may not be able to determine its exact benefits. This online marketing strategy is an inbound marketing tactic that helps you attract and retain customers by delivering high quality content that offers value to every single visitor. As with all marketing tools, you probably wonder if content marketing is simply another marketing fad or really has such overwhelming power?

It’s no secret that the second option is the winner.

Content marketing is one of the most effective, beneficial and useful marketing strategies. With its help you can reach a large number of potential customers. In this post, we present twelve of the benefits of content marketing and explain how these powerful marketing tactics can help your business grow successfully.

Exactly, what is content marketing ?

Content marketing is a form of marketing (or online marketing) that aims to create, publish and distribute content on the Internet. Content marketing is all about telling stories – and people’s attention, unwittingly, turns to those who tell them the greatest narratives. By the way, content marketing is an excellent tool for businesses to raise brand awareness, attract their target audience, expand their customer base, increase their credibility and make themselves interesting. In addition, content marketing can be a huge help in building sustainable brand loyalty and providing valuable information to readers. This marketing strategy builds trust and connects on a higher level with your target audience.

When designing an online marketing strategy or content marketing strategy, you need to place a strong emphasis on the needs of prospective clients. Remember that content marketing is also designed to meet the audience’s needs for valuable information. We can present content and information to our audience in different forms: in articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, e-books, case studies or even podcasts. However, it is extremely important to constantly update your content and post regularly, even several times a week, to achieve the desired results.

Content marketing is the key to the success of your online marketing strategy because without content you have nothing to optimize and you have nothing to share on social media.

In addition, content marketing has become a new norm that your target audience expects. Neglecting it involves a lot more risks than what you expect when investing your resources, time, and efforts. With a great, dynamic content marketing strategy you show your readers that they deserve more – and they also get it from you. And with publishing free information regularly, you can start attracting customers within a few months.

After the theory, let’s see the benefits of content marketing in practice and why you need to get it started today.

Benefits of content marketing

If you haven’t yet embarked on your content marketing strategy, it probably means that you’re skeptical about the long-term benefits. You may also feel that the whole strategy is too complex, overly complicated, and it might even scare you a bit. Of course you could have been focusing on other elements of your online marketing strategy so far which means you had no time to get deeper into content marketing. I can assure you that content marketing is one of the most practical, effective, and useful marketing strategies. But let me just list the following benefits and allow them to convince you.

1. Effective content increases traffic to your website

Consistently posting blog posts on your website will help you get more traffic over time. According to HubSpot, companies that publish 16 blog posts a month have 3.5 times more traffic than websites that publish four or fewer articles. If you want to improve your inbound traffic, publish quality blog posts as often as possible, on a consistent schedule.

2. Publishing blogs and other types of content helps your business stay competitive

Did you know that 53% of marketers say that creating blogs is their number one inbound marketing priority? Indeed, content is that effective when it comes to attracting customers. If you want to stay competitive in the crowded online marketplace, you need to put more emphasis on your content marketing – may it be blogs, videos or even infographics. Considering the benefits of content marketing, it is a number one priority when developing your marketing strategy.

3. Content marketing improves your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and online visibility

Most buyers turn to search engines, most often to Google, when looking for a product or service. During the process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) we optimize our website to rank as high as possible in the search engine results page (SERP). The more quality and relevant content you have on your web page, the better your SEO will be. And the more optimized your website is, the more visible it will be on Google which means more potential customers will find it.

4. Content marketing is a cost effective strategy

Content marketing is a much more cost-effective tool than many other traditional marketing tactics. In addition, content itself is much more popular with people who are tired of traditional advertising messages, promotional texts. So in order to make our brand known to potential customers, content is incredibly effective and can also reduce the costs of attracting customers.

5. The more content you share, the more traffic you can generate on social media platforms

Social media marketing is an effective way to reach new customers and increase engagement while fostering long-term relationships with existing customers. The more quality content you create, the more content you have to share on social media channels. Once consumers see how useful and valuable your content is, they will have no other choice but to follow your business on Facebook, Instagram or wherever you are!

6. Valuable content helps build credibility and authority

The moment you start creating quality content that provides value to your customers, you will begin to build the kind of credibility and reliability that these customers need. By writing blog posts, you can solve the challenges and questions your potential customers face every day. This way, you will show your visitors that you really understand your business and they will soon trust your advice and guidance. Later, they will buy your products or order your services, knowing that your business will add value in all aspects of their lives. You see, content marketing has a lot of benefits, and you can take advantage of them all gradually.

7. Content marketing is a great tool to increase conversions

By creating content, your primary goal is to provide information for your readers, help them solve their problems, and create value for potential customers. When you keep all of this in mind, you use the time or space left to present your product or service. If you can do it delicately, tactfully, without turning your content into a billboard, you can easily increase your conversions. One of the most compelling benefits of content marketing is that it helps you get more conversions over time. According to researches, companies that place a strong emphasis on consistent content marketing will, over time, experience nearly six times higher conversion rates than their competitors who produce much less content. It also shows that while content marketing requires significant investment in terms of time and resources, it does pay off in the end.

8. Content marketing increases brand awareness

Let’s face it: there are plenty of consumers or users who are perfectly suited to your product or service but haven’t had the opportunity to get to know your brand or business yet. By creating useful content that provides value to your target audience, you can increase interest and make your brand known to potential customers. Raising brand awareness is one of the most important benefits of content marketing.

9. Quality content means information to customers

One of the goals of your business is to solve the problems your readers or customers are facing. Create engaging content that provides them with information and solutions. Research and find content topics that address the biggest issues for buyers and their queries.

10. Content marketing can help you connect with your visitors

Very often it is difficult to show the human side of our business. The content, on the other hand, allows us to establish a more personal relationship with those interested, the readers, and the customers, as we can present the voice and character of our brand. Never be afraid to bring something personal to blog posts, videos, social media posts, or any other type of content that you present to your audience.

11. Content marketing works in every industry!

Now, you might think, ‘well that’s super, I’m glad this content marketing stuff is so useful but I’m sure it would never work for my market.’ The truth is that content marketing is a useful online marketing tactic for any industry. The key to success is really finding the right topics and content types that can best appeal to your own unique audience. There is no bad sector in content marketing. Literally any business in any industry can use content marketing in their online marketing strategy. Even traditionally not very ‘sexy’ industries, like manufacturing, can provide insight into topics such as industry development.

12. Link building is a huge benefit of content marketing

How will other blogs and businesses link to your website? The answer is simple: through great content. If you are very good at content writing, it is easy to ‘convince’ other websites to link to your web page or to use your blog post as a source. Remember that link building, that is getting external links, is also very important for your website’s ranking.

Closing thoughts

Content marketing is not expensive but it’s safe, accessible to anyone in any industry, and many different market niches can reap the benefits. The sooner you start investing in content marketing, the sooner you will see results getting better and better over time. Whether it’s increased traffic, higher conversion rates or just a better relationship with your customers, I simply can’t give you any reason for not including content marketing in your marketing arsenal.

With so many benefits of content marketing it’s no wonder that more and more companies are developing their own content marketing strategy, integrating it into their online marketing tasks, and trying to create as much as possible but strictly excellent content. No matter what sector you serve, no matter how big your business is. If you haven’t already done so, start your content marketing today to attract potential customers as soon as possible.

Need help getting started? Contact us today to help you get the most out of your online marketing and content marketing strategy.


Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay